HIV&AIDS Review Kwartalnik

Książki dla lekarzy,studentów,pacjentów pomocne w poznaniu leczenia i chorób
admin. med.

HIV&AIDS Review Kwartalnik

Post autor: admin. med. »

As of January 1, 2017 journal will no longer be published by Elsevier. All new articles should be submitted

HIV & AIDS Review is the official journal of the Polish AIDS Research Society (PTN AIDS). It is published quarterly. HIV & AIDS Review publishes several types of paper: original papers, preliminary communications, epidemiology - population studies, psychological and socio-medical aspects of HIV/AIDS, educational aspects, patient-physician relationship, conference or workshop summaries, product investigations - scientific evaluations on medical and pharmaceutical products, case reports, letters to the Editor, reviews and special reports. A limited number of articles either by invitation or following your suggestions will be of a more "tutorial" format written by experts for scientists seeking introduction into or clarification on some important issues in HIV-related research areas.
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