Canine and Feline Endocrinology

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Canine and Feline Endocrinology

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This book provides complete, current information on pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of endocrine, metabolic, and reproductive diseases in dogs and cats. It also discusses the importance of testing procedures in endocrine and reproductive diseases, as well as cost-effective and expedient diagnostic protocols.
Key Features

Expert authorship, including the addition of three world-renowned endocrinology experts — Claudia Reusch, Catharine Scott-Moncrieff, and Ellen Behrend — offers unparalleled guidance on the latest advances in the field.
Separation of cats and dogs into separate chapters ensures information on each species is covered to its fullest.
Focus on diagnosis and treatment with less discussion on anatomy and physiology allows the book to concentrate on practical, current information that today’s clinician most use.
Thorough coverage of indications and interpretation of testing procedures in endocrine diseases enables reliable and accurate diagnosis.
Detailed discussions of diagnostic strategies and treatment recommendations provide practical, cost-effective, and expedient approaches while ensuring they represent standard of care backed by research and experience.
Algorithms on diagnostic and therapeutic approaches provide a practical, logical resource for the busy practitioner needing quick access to information.
Logical, step-by-step guidelines aid in accurate decision-making and diagnosis.
Comprehensive tables and boxes summarize and clarify key information for quick reference.
In-depth discussions from experts in the field include coverage of treatment, monitoring, and management of complications as well as clinical signs, differential diagnoses and diagnostic approaches
Extensive reference lists provide readers with sources for additional information on clinical investigative studies
Separate chapters devoted to each key topic provide thorough, distinct coverage of all content areas.
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